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#1 2010-07-19 01:32:21

From: So Cal
Registered: 2009-11-26
Posts: 11

A little help with my pack/pride?

This thread is open to wolves and otherkin as well, I just thought it would fit better here as it has to do with me, a were snow leopard, and my small pride.

I'm having a hard time with dominance issues, mostly centered around two boys and our alpha. I say alpha instead of anything else because wolf terms are so much more widely understood than any other species I know of. Anyway, my alpha is acknowledging that it is time for him to step down. A lot bigger deal than I thought it would be. I assumed his second would take over, but he left us last september and I've sort of been avoiding thinking about it. Apparently he has been expecting me to take over, mostly because any sort of leopard would be the largest of us and simply most intimidating, so it would be easier to keep everyone else in line. There's no way I can take alpha. I just can't. Two of the boys are fighting about it, and they're submissive to me but would never be submissive to each other. I also have one of the slightly newer girls who is a natural alpha who is staying to the sidelines, but she wants to be alpha too. Who knew pack dynamics could be so freaking difficult?

Anyone have any advice on what to do? My alpha has been putting off stepping down until this is resolved, but I don't think he'll stick around much longer.

They say things get better in time; Every day seems harder to take
They say darkness doesn't last forever; I can't remember the feel of light
They say happiness is a choice; I guess to want isn't enough



#2 2010-07-19 19:39:25

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4719

Re: A little help with my pack/pride?

Actually, "alpha" isn't a "wolf term". It originated in studies of school children and is a technical term of sociogrammy.

Most of the packs I know allow leadership structures to form naturally. If your "alpha" didn't choose a successor and just "stepped down" that's probably what he's doing.



#3 2010-07-19 20:40:20

From: So Cal
Registered: 2009-11-26
Posts: 11

Re: A little help with my pack/pride?

Okay, point. It's just so often associated with wolves that it's hard to forget that it isn't. My bad.

Yeah, problem is that it's one of our youngest girls that is most dominant, and she learned what she knows from her mom, not from him. It doesn't sound like that much of a difference, but it really is. She was that kind of obnoxious independent, but if she wanted your attention it was to be hers in an instant. Almost a tyrant, but not so dependent on her power.

To form a structure naturally would be confusing and troubling, if not a bad decision. If there is one thing he doesn't do, it's bad decisions or ones that would be bad for the group.

As much as I wish it was that simple, it just isn't.

They say things get better in time; Every day seems harder to take
They say darkness doesn't last forever; I can't remember the feel of light
They say happiness is a choice; I guess to want isn't enough



#4 2010-07-20 02:16:38

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4719

Re: A little help with my pack/pride?

Actually, among Therians, in my experience, hierarchies form very effectively naturally. They don't with Mainstreamers because they can't form naturally with all the politics and gameplaying and the process gets monkeywrenched at the start. The key is to quit trying and let things fall into place. Tyrants do not usually fall into positions of leadershp simply because most Therians hate being controlled. We're chaotic people. But if people feel that a person can be trusted and that they are truely concerned for the group, others tend to group around them and they end up in leadership positions.

In my experience, Therians value experience and the desire to serve in a leader. But then, it depends on the group mentality. If there's some kind of militia mentality that developes, there may be a leaning toward tyranical leaders. I think (I hope) that's pretty much the exception in Theran communities.



#5 2011-07-20 18:10:33

From: Goldsboro, North Carolina
Registered: 2011-07-20
Posts: 15

Re: A little help with my pack/pride?

Well i am a wolf pack Alpha... i have appointed my beta, gama, and omega... everyone else are just members. of course i have a very simple way of settling disputes in my pack. if they cannot reach an agreement and i do not choose then they have the option to test themselves to see wins better suited for the position. thats right... a controlled fight between the two for dominence. the rules are simple first to have the other subdued wins. no extreme shots like eyes or nose ect... if you or the other girl do not want to be+leader+then+let+the+boys+scrap+it+out.+first+to+pin+the+other+wins+rank.+and+nobody+gets+hurt+other+them+minor+bruises+or+scratches.+ive+been+challenged+for+alpha+twice+and+im+still+the+top+dog.

Last edited by Night_Lycan (2011-07-20 18:17:30)

"Anger is just Sadness in disguise."- Cameron O'Quinn



#6 2011-07-22 04:49:14

From: Goldsboro, North Carolina
Registered: 2011-07-20
Posts: 15

Re: A little help with my pack/pride?

"Anger is just Sadness in disguise."- Cameron O'Quinn



#7 2011-07-22 12:51:01

Random Wolf [Moderator]
From: Canada, eh?
Registered: 2007-11-22
Posts: 5397

Re: A little help with my pack/pride?

Alright Night_Lycan, I'm going to have to ask you to stop doing that plus thing at the end of sentences and stop linking to bing. Really, what purpose does it serve?



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