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#1 2012-05-16 17:25:18

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Registered: 2012-05-16
Posts: 9

I need some help please

I want to know if I am a Therian I feel like I may be one but I'm not sure.  I don't know how I could tell.  if any thing I think I am either a wolf Therian or some kind of bird Therian.

Stuff about me:  I'm 17 from England (I guess that I would be some kind of an animal from around England)

Personality:  I usually like to keep to myself, I get nervous when in crowds, and I like to go out on walks or just something to get out of the house, I view it as a cage. 
When sad or angry I tend to growl or just want to scream as loud as I can and in fights I tend to claw at people more than punching and kicking.  Plus I have a quick temper which I try to control.
A lot of the time I just feel like running through forests or flying high above being free.
I think I have always been different to other people in some way, as I tend to be called a freak for whatever reason and even my mum felt I should be sent to a psychiatrist when I was 14 (I don't understand why)
I think that people find me frightening and avoid me.
My diet is kind of meat orientated but it is not the only thing I eat but I do like it a lot. And my sleeping patterns are normal I just go to sleep when I feel like it but am always awake at the same time the next day no matter what.

I tend to stay out of sunlight because I burn easily and I find it uncomfortable, I like cold weather and night time I am not sure exactly why I like the night just a spiritual reason I can't quiet workout.

I don't think my appearance matters but I'll put it anyway:  I have pale blue eyes, pale skin, ashen light brown hair and am 5"4'.

An interesting thing about me is that nearly everyone in my family (Including me) is that I have a very dense bone structure and retain muscle mass well.  I myself am also long sighted and have very good night vision too.

I'm probably not a Therian but I wanted to know if I were one but I suppose I am nothing special.

Last edited by WhoAmI? (2012-05-16 17:36:56)



#2 2012-05-16 17:51:27

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4719

Re: I need some help please

You're nothing special even if you are a Therian - and you're special whether you're a Therian or not.

You can't find out whether you're a Therian or not on the Internet.



#3 2012-05-16 18:01:13

New member
Registered: 2012-05-16
Posts: 9

Re: I need some help please

Thank you smile

I'm just looking for some starting points



#4 2012-05-17 00:35:22

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4719



#5 2012-05-17 18:41:45

Token British Wolf
From: England, United Kingdom
Registered: 2008-12-15
Posts: 738

Re: I need some help please

You sound like a normal person, WhoAmI. I don't know what you're expecting to hear. Only you can figure out 'who you are'.

Disclaimer: I am actually female.



#6 2012-05-18 10:38:15

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Registered: 2012-05-16
Posts: 9

Re: I need some help please

Nope I don't know what to hear



#7 2012-05-18 21:55:26

From: Somewhere in Tennessee
Registered: 2008-11-28
Posts: 556

Re: I need some help please

WhoAmI? wrote:

I want to know if I am a Therian I feel like I may be one but I'm not sure.  I don't know how I could tell.  if any thing I think I am either a wolf Therian or some kind of bird Therian.

Stuff about me:  I'm 17 from England (I guess that I would be some kind of an animal from around England)

Personality:  I usually like to keep to myself, I get nervous when in crowds, and I like to go out on walks or just something to get out of the house, I view it as a cage. 
When sad or angry I tend to growl or just want to scream as loud as I can and in fights I tend to claw at people more than punching and kicking.  Plus I have a quick temper which I try to control.
A lot of the time I just feel like running through forests or flying high above being free.
I think I have always been different to other people in some way, as I tend to be called a freak for whatever reason and even my mum felt I should be sent to a psychiatrist when I was 14 (I don't understand why)
I think that people find me frightening and avoid me.
My diet is kind of meat orientated but it is not the only thing I eat but I do like it a lot. And my sleeping patterns are normal I just go to sleep when I feel like it but am always awake at the same time the next day no matter what.

I tend to stay out of sunlight because I burn easily and I find it uncomfortable, I like cold weather and night time I am not sure exactly why I like the night just a spiritual reason I can't quiet workout.

I don't think my appearance matters but I'll put it anyway:  I have pale blue eyes, pale skin, ashen light brown hair and am 5"4'.

An interesting thing about me is that nearly everyone in my family (Including me) is that I have a very dense bone structure and retain muscle mass well.  I myself am also long sighted and have very good night vision too.

I'm probably not a Therian but I wanted to know if I were one but I suppose I am nothing special.

1) So there are spiritual borderlines between the countries? Like, the spirits have to pay a toll to pass from country to country?

2) So, you're claustophobic? My mom doesn't like large crowds, and she's not a therian. And for that matter, I know therians who love large crowds. That one's a no-go.

3) "When sad or angry I tend to growl or just want to scream as loud as I can and in fights I tend to claw at people more than punching and kicking.  Plus I have a quick temper which I try to control."  Humans are animals, too. Pure and simple. Before spoken language, we used growls, whimpers, body language, etc to communicate emotions, and messages to each other. and, as for quick  temper... you're a teenage boy... that's called 'testastrone' bud (or however it's spelled)

4) "A lot of the time I just feel like running through forests or flying high above being free."
Again, animal instincts that run deep in the human genes.

5) "I think I have always been different to other people in some way, as I tend to be called a freak for whatever reason and even my mum felt I should be sent to a psychiatrist when I was 14 (I don't understand why)
I think that people find me frightening and avoid me."
You are so unsure in this comment... again, 14 is during puberty. When your hormones are re-settling themselves, your vision, smell, sense of touch, and hearing increase, due to higher amounts of hormones. I will state,however, that during puberty is when most Therianthropes become curious and look for answers.

6) "My diet is kind of meat orientated but it is not the only thing I eat but I do like it a lot. And my sleeping patterns are normal I just go to sleep when I feel like it but am always awake at the same time the next day no matter what."
Congratulations, you are like 80% of people, eating meat. You are an animal... called a Human. As for sleeping, that is called a sleep pattern. Not sure why you think that's related to being a Therian

7) "I don't think my appearance matters but I'll put it anyway:  I have pale blue eyes, pale skin, ashen light brown hair and am 5"4'. "
Okay, so you're a typical white teen-age guy. Nothing special about you there.

8) "An interesting thing about me is that nearly everyone in my family (Including me) is that I have a very dense bone structure and retain muscle mass well.  I myself am also long sighted and have very good night vision too."
Okay, so that's nothing special either... you're unique... yeah, like everybody else out there. No one person is exactly like another. Night vision just means you have good eyes... congratz you're healthy.

9) "I'm probably not a Therian but I wanted to know if I were one but I suppose I am nothing special"
Um, everything you mentioned is Physical... you probably know nothing about therianthropy if you're turning to Physically related signs.

You see, therianthropy is, in my book, a spiritual matter for each to decipher for himself, or herself.  Just like someone's belief in Magick, or belief in God isn't a physical matter, I mean most -sane and smart- people do not say "Oh! I have blue eyes I must be a child of God!" it is a matter that is, as I stated before, -Spiritual-. Yeah, maybe your spiritual self -might- have effect on... say, color changing eyes (due to the spirit making your mind believe you have a certain eye color related to oh say a wolf, or a fox, then physiologically your brain will make a chemical to make your eyes turn shining emerald green, or glittery gold to reflect such), but that's a discussion relating to Physiological matters.

My suggestion to you is if you really wish to know if you're a therian or not, you should look no farther then in-wards. Meditate with some relaxing music, or meditate under a full moon in your yard, or with a candle and incense. Meditate inside of a medicine wheel, physical or mental, and search yourself, your mind, your thoughts, your feelings and your spirit. If you're an animal, you've to discover that yourself. Self-reflection is key in most matters.

Try this excercise, it's one I generally tell people when they ask of me help to discover their inner realms:

1) find a comfortable place where you won't be bothered for a while (I suggest at least 30 minutes to 2 hours-  tops)

2) Obtain a mirror, it matters not what type, only that you can view yourself, as close as your eyes. A hand mirror works extremely well, or sit in front of a door mirror that is lower to the ground. Also have paper, or a journal with you, and something to write with. you'll need this later/

3) Now, put your item in front of you. Behind that item, place your mirror.

4) Close your eyes, sit or lie in a position that feels the most comfortable to you, whether that be the Lotus position, or laying on your side, back, or whatever. Comfort matters here because you do not need to be worrying about how you're in pain because of your foot that is falling asleep or your back is killing you.

5) With your eyes closed, breath in, hold your breath to the count of 5, then let out. Hold out to count of 5 and repeat. do this 10 to 20 times. then Increase the amount of time you're holding to 10. If it feels too uncomfortable, drop to 8 or 5. Again, comfort is important.

6) during your breathing, clear your mind. Think only of your breathing, don't think happy, sad, angry, depressed, etc thoughts. Concentrate soley on your breathing. Also, at this point don't concern yourself with the items in front of you.

7) when your mind is completely clear, and you're calm, breath calmly. Open your eyes and look into your mirror. don't form any thoughts or opinions just look at yourself. Study your eyes, your nose, your mouth, your skin. If a thought comes on it's own, let it pass, don't think on it. Simply look at yourself.

8) Now, close your eyes and simply observe your mind. What thoughts might you have floating? don't create any thoughts, just observe them, detached if thoughts come meandering into your head. At  this point, note your thoughts, don't consider them, note them. They'll be important later. If any images come to mind as well, remember them.

9) Open your eyes, and record your thoughts. do this everyday. Do this for about 3 months minimum. Describe any thoughts you had whether it be about your appearance, or something completely seemingly random.

Also, record your dreams. Dreams are powerful messages that the subconcious can give you. By doing this exercise you can get to know yourself. Only when you know yourself might you discover if you're a therian or not. there are other methods, of course but this one is one I use personally. If you're a therian you might have a re-occuring animal in your thoughts or your dreams. Or maybe it's purely just how you feel phsyically. Therianthropy is different for everybody, no two people have exactly the same experiences in therianthropy.

Hopefully you find this useful.

"I feel the Change, back to a better day, the hair stands on the back of my neck, wildness is the preservation of the world, so seek the wolf in thyself!"- Metallica, "of wolf and man"



#8 2012-05-19 08:42:46

New member
Registered: 2012-05-16
Posts: 9

Re: I need some help please

Thanks for the info,

I do know a little about Therianthropy not much
The country thing was just because I figured it was more likely and I didn't know claustrophobia worked that way because I'm not at all scared of tight spaces as I enjoy tunneling but I don't know.
Any way thank you for the information smile

P.S I'm a she XD



#9 2012-05-19 11:24:35

From: Somewhere in Tennessee
Registered: 2008-11-28
Posts: 556

Re: I need some help please

Oh dear I'm sorry. Hehe! I didn't know you were female.

I was being a bit of a troll when I wrote that, but in all seriousness, country has nothing to do with what someone is spiritually,nor does time or period.

Claustophobia has varying degrees, from mild to extreme.

"I feel the Change, back to a better day, the hair stands on the back of my neck, wildness is the preservation of the world, so seek the wolf in thyself!"- Metallica, "of wolf and man"



#10 2012-05-20 01:21:02

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Registered: 2012-05-16
Posts: 9

Re: I need some help please

It's okay besides I think I have too much testosterone for a girl anyway (apparently you can tell from the length of certain fingers if you have more testosterone) don't know if it's true smile. It probably explains why I'm so fluffy big_smile (I don't think that's a reason for being a Therian btw) just thought I'd give you a lovely image XD

Besides I don't blame site members being trolls you probably get sick and tired of posts like these especially from people my age wink

Also I didn't want to exaggerate anything cause what's the point? Like the comment about my diet and sleep patterns I notice people put them so I put mine even though their pretty much normal and I wouldn't eat raw meat either, cooked I could eat all the time but raw yuck! 
Because I purely wrote this to find out for myself not to start a silly fad or anything smile or make people think I was a Therian. smile

Last edited by WhoAmI? (2012-05-20 01:31:54)



#11 2012-07-10 22:39:22

From: Calgary.. YEEHAW
Registered: 2012-07-10
Posts: 13

Re: I need some help please

Its hard saying this without sounding cliché but deep down inside you know whether you are or are not a therian. Are you a *Insert Animal Here* or do you simply identify with the physical traits of such an animal? 
I'm not sure whether you are spiritual or not, but I find it increasingly difficult to describe therianthropy without spirituality, b/c Psychologically, if you absolutely wanted to believe that you are a therian, you will not only see every bit as evidence that you are but your mind will also be convinced that you are indeed a therian, thus it blurs the line between actual therians and people who genuinely wants to be one but isn't one, it also opens the door to the possibility of "becoming a therian" because if therianthropy is indeed psychological, then anyone can become one..

Oops off topic lol
But still, you might be smile do the meditation WerewolfLeaAnn said to do lol

Last edited by yotin (2012-07-10 22:39:43)

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I liek trains.



#12 2013-02-03 22:51:01

New member
Registered: 2013-02-03
Posts: 1

Re: I need some help please

Hi everyone,

I stumbled across this site and this topic today and am not yet familiar with the rules, but I was hoping for your thoughts on this subject as well... Let me describe myself. I am also 17, have dark brown hair, blue eyes and tan skin. I'm 6 feet at 160 pounds and tend to carry significant muscle without fat. I am of mixed descent, the majority being Danish and Native American, with Eastern European mixed in. I don't think ( though some people might) that I am cut from the same cloth as most people and yes, I realize that most newbies here claim the same thing. I have always been strong for my size, I distinctly remember lifting my father off the ground when I was age 7. I seem detached in an emotional regard and can read people like books without trying. I pick up languages extremely quickly, have always been drawn to fighting, and upon meeting people subconsciously scan for weaknesses. On the topic of fighting, I have always referred to my state as "beast mode" and ignore pain, have heightened senses, and move faster like this. I understand it can be explained away as adrenaline but it feels like more. For instance, earlier this year I stupidly ( I can be aggressive in the moment) got into a fight where upon being choked from behind, audibly laughed, lifted my opponent bodily above my head and dropped him, proceeding to strike him in the throat, a target I seem to gravitate to. I have always felt a connection to literature on Scandinavian berserkers, often called wolf or bear men. When I was much younger I found clothes restricting and unpleasant, naturally climbed stairs on all fours, and hated shoes with a passion. I just wanted to see what a forum of seemingly open minded and accepting individuals had to say on this matter.
Thanks very much for taking the time to read this, and thanks even more if you provide an opinion.

Last edited by Meszaros (2013-02-03 22:56:23)



#13 2013-02-04 19:53:17

From: Broomfield, Colorado
Registered: 2004-09-01
Posts: 4719

Re: I need some help please

" I seem detached in an emotional regard"

This is not Were - I am also detached but, in addition to being Were, I am also a psychopath. Weres are usually very attached - the connect all over the place.

"can read people like books without trying."

This could be Were but it might not. A lot of people that still has some wildness in them are empathic.

" I pick up languages extremely quickly"

Definitely not Were but some Weres incidentally have this ability. Therianthropy tends to work against a person's linguistic skills.

"have always been drawn to fighting"

Brawlers exist in all corners of humanity.

"upon meeting people subconsciously scan for weaknesses"

Predator, yes - but not necessarily Were.

" On the topic of fighting, I have always referred to my state as "beast mode" and ignore pain, have heightened senses, and move faster like this."

Berserking is not specifically a Were trait. Many Mainstreamers berserk.

" I found clothes restricting and unpleasant, naturally climbed stairs on all fours, and hated shoes with a passion."

Could be therianthropy or it could be autism.

Are you a Were? yes, no, well........maybe. Unfortunately, it's extremely difficult to "diagnose" therianthropy over the Internet.



#14 2013-02-05 18:01:56

Token British Wolf
From: England, United Kingdom
Registered: 2008-12-15
Posts: 738

Re: I need some help please

Meszaros: Blah blah blah read the 'Why You Are Probably Not a Werewolf' thread blah blah blah.

Disclaimer: I am actually female.



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